We’ve included a collection of Web Tools within your Website Control Panel to enable you to efficiently promote your websites on the web. Our sitemap generation tool will let you obtain a detailed sitemap of your site. On top of that, you are able to publish that sitemap to major search engines to list your site. The RSS News syndication tool will help you to generate frequently refreshed content material on your front page so you’ll get greater chances to rise high in search engine results. Furthermore, we’ve included a GeoIP re–direction tool that will enable you to approach your clients much more precisely according to their specific area.

A Sitemap Generator

Obtain a sitemap with all of your web pages a click of the mouse

The best way of getting your recently released web site listed in the major search engines is to publish a sitemap. The sitemap records the whole set of webpages within your site and by uploading it to a particular search engine, you notify it that you like those pages to get crawled as fast as possible. Sitemaps are often generated by 3rd party applications. Nevertheless, here, it is not necessary to move away from your Website Control Panel. Our own custom–made Sitemap Generator is included into the Advanced Tools area and is going to set up a sitemap for you with a click of the mouse.

All you have to do is choose the highest amount of web pages you desire to be listed, the depth of the crawled URLs and also the format of the sitemap data file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Quick location–driven re–direction

Hadron Hosting offers a very simple tool, which will help you filter the visitors of your web site in accordance with their location. For example, with the GeoIP redirection application, you can quickly send all of the visitors from Spain towards the Spanish variant of your website if you’ve got such. This will help you focus on your clients much more precisely and offer them with the onsite experience they anticipate.

No exclusive abilities or technical expertise are needed to use the GeoIP re–direction instrument, and you no longer need to use .htaccess files to do the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the most current news on your site

What exactly is RSS? RSS is a technique for publishing and accumulating site content. It’s being commonly used by information websites, private weblogs, newscasts, and so on. The submitted information is easily picked up by a news reader and after that made available to the user. Utilizing RSS, users can easily obtain news from many different web sites and review them in a sole area.

Using our RSS News Syndication application, you can easily integrate media feeds from many of the world’s most–preferred information portals and demonstrate them on your own web site.

RSS News