Hadron Hosting offers an easy–to–use site creation tool which you can make use of to setup your site without the need to type even a single line of code. It is really uncomplicated, with a very familiar interface. The site creation tool has a raft of exceptional design templates which could work for lots of website projects, and every site theme supports lots of color and layout options. And last but not least, all site templates are mobile–friendly and work flawlessly across mobile phones.

The site creation tool is available with all shared hosting, Linux VPS servers, semi-dedicated hosting plans, and Linux dedicated web hosting plans plans, if you chose the Hadron Hosting Website Control Panel.

A handy site creation tool

No technical experience is needed

The purpose of our site creation tool is to make site building intuitive and to let you set–up an amazing site without ever needing to type a single line of PHP, HTML or MySQL, or any other programming languages.

You can do that utilizing layout components which you can add to every website theme and then customize and reorder the way you like. Plus, you can remove the ones you don’t want with just a click. Should you choose to make your site more inviting, you could easily insert videos and images, or even an image gallery to it.

And it all works in a seamless way.

Easy-to-use Site Builder

A collection of easy–to–re–design site designs

Stylish website templates that look great on phones, tablets and desktops

No matter what sort of site you want to launch, the Hadron Hosting’s site creation tool will offer a value to you. It offers a vast collection of free–of–cost design templates that are perfect for any kind of sites – personal pages, e–shops, discussion forums, etc.

To make your site even more enticing right from the start you should use the variety of unique layout schemes and color configurations available along with every template. Plus, each site theme has in–built support for over 100 different web fonts which you can change with a click. And to top it all off, you’ll have immediate access to a huge collection of ready–made photos.

In case you want to switch your website theme at some moment, all customizations you’ve completed will be moved over to the new site theme automatically.

A collection of easy–to–re–design site designs

Built–in help area and how–to video tutorials

Check out exactly how quick and easy it actually is to jumpstart a website

The Hadron Hosting’s site creation tool has a help desk which features informative step–by–step articles and video tutorials provoked by the most commonly asked questions by customers.

You’ll be able to see how to modify your site template and launch an all new web page. Also, you can see exactly how you can switch your current website theme or maybe add a discussion board onto your site.

Plus, you can get in touch with us 24/7/365 should you need immediate help with your site.

Video Tutorials