SSH Access

Free of cost SSH access for your machine

Hadron Hosting’s semi-dedicated hosting plans include SSH access rights, which enables you to communicate directly with the machine, without needing to make use of the Website Control Panel. You’ll be able to interact with your data files, databases, email and all things related to your websites. As you share the server with a few other people, you will not have root privileges to alter the server’s setup.

With the smaller package, SSH access provided as an additional service, whilst with the bigger setup it comes as a totally free add-on.

SSH Access

Free Dedicated IP

Cost-free dedicated IP address for your machine

We add a zero-cost dedicated IP address with the Semi-dedicated 2 package. A dedicated IP will help you to quickly set up an SSL certificate for your website or configure your personal name servers that will point to your private IP address.

The dedicated IP address is freely available to use as soon as you access your Website Control Panel. Additionally, if you need additional IP addresses, you can order as many as you want at a discount rate from your Website Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

24x7 Support

Contact us round–the–clock

You might contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with any questions that you can have regarding our semi-dedicated hosting plans. You may email us via email and via the ticket platform and we’ll post back to you in approximately 1 hour. In fact, our ordinary response time is under 20 min. On trading days, you may phone us or use the live chat service on our web store.

24x7 Support

Web App Installer

A speedy set up of weblogs, galleries, etc.

Using the 1–click Best Web Apps included in the Best Web Apps, you will be able to have your very own fully fledged webpage on the web in just a few moments. With a mouse–click, your blog, community forum, photo collection or web–shop will be created and will be well–prepared for use. Pick your web app, complete a few details pertaining to the new site and click the Install button. We will do the rest for you! Well over 40 free scripts are offered for you to decide on.

Web App Installer

Website Control Panel

Website administration made simple and easy

Our point’n’click Best Web Apps simplifies website administration and puts it at your fingertips. You could add information with quick drag’n’drop actions, take care of all the settings of your domains and websites from one area, obtain and move a wide range of domains, make and coordinate various mailboxes, run email list activities, create MySQL databases, obtain SSL Services to secure your clients, etcetera. In–depth information will keep you up–to–date on all visits and actions on your sites.

Website Control Panel

  • Service guarantees

  • Each one of our semi-dedicated hosting plans is going to be installed for you for free. 99.9% service uptime. SSH access rights.
  • Compare our prices

  • Preview the resources and features provided by the semi-dedicated hosting plans. Start out with a smaller server configuration and upgrade with just a mouse click as your online presence grows.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Get in touch with us at any time by email or by using our extra–fast ticketing system. We’ll react within 1 hour.