• Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - €36.35/year
  • .BARGAINS - €33.64/year
  • .CAFE - €39.61/year
  • Compare Domain Names

Shared Hosting

If you are sick and tired of continuing outages and the horrible client support service of your current web hosting vendor, we’re here to provide you with an alternative. With the riskless cloud hosting solutions provided by Hadron Hosting, you can finally cease worrying about the web hosting service and concentrate on what’s actually important – your web site.

We will offer you a dependable shared hosting platform with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Furthermore, all our cloud web hosting plans offer plenty of disk drive storage space, web traffic and MySQL database storage space allocations. You will gain access to a remarkable Website Control Panel, which features all the tools you need to turn website management from a headache to something simple and entertaining. You will get a pile of free–of–charge bonus features, which will help you make your site run better and open faster.

Shared Hosting

Exclusive Domain Registration Prices

At Hadron Hosting, you will find terrific domain name registration prices. You can pick from among fifty different TLDs – from universal Top–Level Domains such as .INFO and .COM, to country–code TLDs like .DE (for Germany) and .CO.UK (for the United Kingdom). With the help of our simple–to–use Domain Manager, you will be able to administer all the settings related to your domain names.

In addition, you can get .com domain for just €11.36.

Exclusive Domain Registration Prices

A user–friendly Website Control Panel

Even if you’ve come up with the most brilliant idea for a web site, if you don’t have the proper tools, it will remain just an idea. The aim of our Website Control Panel is to offer you all the tools you require to promptly convert the idea in your mind into a completely operational and regularly visited website.

You will have the ability to securely upload files by simply dragging them into your browser thanks to our File Manager. You’ll have a layer of protection added to your website straight away with ModSecurity. You’ll be able to boost the loading speed of your web site using our Website Accelerator Tools.

Installing a new software app online will be as easy as 1–2–3 thanks to our Best Web Apps tool. Jumpstarting a web site will take just a few easy steps with the Web Site Installer. Plus, you can make use of 800+ free of cost website themes, which you can quickly install on your brand–new site. This is only a portion of the web site setup and administration tools located in the Website Control Panel..

A user–friendly Website Control Panel

A myriad of free–of–cost bonuses

Each hosting account with Hadron Hosting grants you access to our Website Control Panel, which is loaded with charge–free bonus features – an Best Web Apps tool, a Web Site Installer, free of cost website themes, a 1 Click Framework Installer, a Free Web Site Generation Application, etc. And with all cloud hosting plans, you’ll also get a domain registration or transfer for just €11.36.

With Hadron Hosting’s Linux VPS servers and Linux dedicated web hosting plans, you will also obtain free dedicated IP addresses, along with free billing software worth $300 USD and a free domain name reseller account worth $100, for the sake of your very own personal reseller hosting business.

A myriad of free–of–cost bonuses

Choose your data center

Having your web site hosted closer to your target visitors not only will improve their on–site experience, but will also list you higher in local search results. For this reason, we offer data center facilities on 3 different continents where you can host your websites based on your viewers’ physical location. You can select between a Shared Hosting US service in our Chicago data center, a Shared Hosting UK service in our data center facility outside London, an Eastern European shared hosting service in our FI data center in Pori, Finland, East Europe data center in Sofia, Bulgaria, and an Shared Hosting AU service in our data center in Sydney.

Whichever facility you choose, the prices and the features of our hosting packages will stay the same. Moreover, each data center allows you to enjoy a 99.9% uptime guarantee with all cloud web hosting plans.

A risk–free hosting service

The best of all is that our web hosting service is completely risk–free. We offer you a 99.9% server uptime guarantee, meaning that your websites will be reachable online no matter what happens with our hosting servers. And if you have any concerns, our customer care staff is at your service 24x7x365 and the guaranteed ticket response time is less than one hour. If you’re dissatisfied with our cloud web hosting service for whatever reason, you’ll get a reimbursement. We offer a 30–day money–back guarantee.

A risk–free hosting service
  • Help Center
  • Shared Hosting

  • Make no compromise with the hosting environment for your website and enjoy a 100% risk–free cloud web hosting service. Take the tour and learn about the future of web hosting today.

  • Easy to Install
  • Best Web Apps

  • You can forget about hunting for the newest version of web apps like WordPress or Joomla. You can now install them all straight from your Website Control Panel.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • SSL Services

  • Have your SSL certificates auto–installed as soon as they are ready with Hadron Hosting. We also offer Wildcard SSL certificates.